Happy New Year 2013…

Chur Associates wishes each and every one of you a Happy New Year 2013 and to quote Oprah Winfrey’s line ~ Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right…That’s RIGHT!!!

Have you fulfilled your resolutions made in 2012? Need not worry as we have survived the Mayan’s episode of End of the World and you have another 365 days to continue with the unfinished business and to start with new Resolutions…

“Chur Academy” continues…

CAtizens bid farewell to our Coach Nick after our last session “Planning Retreat 2012: to kick off 2013” at Bayou Lagoon Resort, Malacca…whereby CAtizens enjoyed themselves with splashes of water and slides as well as our annual X’mas Gift Exchange…

Chur Academy

In the words of Coach Nick:

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”

This quote pretty much encapsulates what the final learning session in December 2012 for Chur Associates provided by Yellowshorts Consulting, more of a strategic planning session that would allow CA to focus on planning for the challenges and areas for concern in the new year of 2013.

It was a very intensive and challenging session but again, the People of the Green Corp was up to the mark once again and surprising the entire Yellowshorts team with their zeal and passion in the strategic planning session.

This was also the first session in which the CAtizens were exposed to the concept of Open Space Technology, a radically interesting facilitation and meeting methodology which works on the principles and one law below:

  • Whoever comes is the RIGHT people.
  • Whenever it starts is the RIGHT time.
  • Whatever happens is the ONLY thing that could have happened.
  • When it’s over…it’s OVER.

and finally…the Law of Two Feet

These principles are not only used for Open Space session, but also for the way we excel in our professional world. For Chur Associates to lead and REVOLUTIONISE the market, it needs to challenge itself to but moving away from archaic and conventional thinking & mindsets.

To sum up the year, it has been a pleasure and privilege to work with the wonderful Green Warriors of Chur Associates as the people who came were the RIGHT people for the time and opportunities, it started at the RIGHT time when the transitions are still in motion for CA, obstacles and mistakes will be made by all quarters but always remember that whatever happens is the ONLY thing that could have happened as there is always 2 sides to everything and when its over…its over…don’t hold on to grudges and ill feelings as it will only serve to bring us down.

I look forward to 2013 again to work with all of you and I wish all of you a Prosperous, Productive and most AWESOMEST 2013.

Chur Academy 2

Rhythm, rhythm, rhythm…

During our monthly Rhythm meeting, CA’tizens shared 11 ways to be more productive at works. Tips:-

  1. Prioritize your tasks;
  2. Deal with things immediately;
  3. Keep your desk clutter-free;
  4. Have a running to-do list;
  5. Minimize distraction and etc

Surely CA’tizens can apply these tips in our works to serve you better NOW, THAT’S RIGHT!

CA Talent Time

If YOU can select your BOSS, who would you WORK FOR? We put FORWARD OUR BEST CANDIDATE: CHRIS TAN!

In search for a new member of TEAM CATIZEN, you must embrace our exciting work-hard, play-hard environment. We are small but highly ambitious legal firm with a strong client based relying on our motto “We Deliver”.

We Promise YOU nothing but CHALLENGES! Because we work together to get what YOU want…Be the Business Development Apprentice/ PA to Chris Tan!

Dare to take the challenge??..

We have also created a Facebook Page BOSS for HIRE, which contains daily updates on EVERYTHING ABOUT THE POSITION! Share, Comment and Nominate a candidate to us!

For interested candidates, please drop us your CV and email to: clement@churassociates.com or for more information you can contact us directly at +603-7982 5618 (Clement).

AskCA@Thursday, CAnswer@Tuesday and Myth Buster is BACK !!!

CA in the News

BFM: The Business Radio Station

  • Podcast: “Late Delivery Compensations on Property” with Chris Tan on BFM. If you have missed out the session, you can navigate to BFM here. Enjoy!


For all those that have missed out on Chris’s sharing session on Inspire.FM, the podcast links are as below:

Branding & Franchise Magazine

  • November & December Issue, Vol 9 “特许经营权Part 2 – Chris Tan”, page 58 – 61; and
  • January Issue, Vol 10 “特许经营之“禁忌”“, page 56 – 59.

HomeFinder Magazine

  • November and December Issue, “Entering Into A Sale and Purchase Agreement”, page 50-51; and
  • January and February Issue, “Signing of SPA: The Game Starts!”, page 70 – 71.

Property Hunter Magazine

  • December 2012 Issue, “To love Malaysia is to know Malaysia”, page 11 – 12