Staying true to our Jedi aspiration in the Star Wars universe, our chambering pupils are known as the “Padawans” for as early as our very first chambee in the firm under Master Chris Tan.

If you are selected as a Padawan in CA, you are effectively on a 9 months probation to become a full fledge practicing Jedi in CA.

During your pupilage in CA, you will be exposed to all angles of our professional practices and you will be assessed on “CAlture-Fit” to ensure you have a CAtizen in you.

We have more than 1 qualified Jedi Masters in the CAstle and we will not be hesitating to fill up all our quotas if you are good enough. If you feel that the “Force” is strong in you, write in to and we will see how you will bring the balance to the CA universe.