
SOHO, SOFO and SOVO represent different types of small commercial unit. SOHO refers to small-office-home office, SOFO refers to small-office-flexible-office and SOVO refers to small-office-virtual-office. Legally, there is no definite definition to all these terms.

It is however worth to note that apart from SOHO (that has a suggestion for a dwelling for human inhabitation through the word “Home”) , SOFO and SOVO are considered as commercial property. Hence, the developer is not obliged to observe with the rules and regulations under Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966; and is free to set all terms in the sale and purchase agreement as it may deem fits. The idea is to avoid any suggestion of using the same as a dwelling, thus it is up the creativity of the developer. For insttance, SOLO could mean Small Office Lifestyle Office and the list could go on and on.

Purchaser is advisable to be more cautious and understand all the terms of sale and purchase agreement before committing to purchase the same.

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