HI5ER CLUB ADMINISTRATION TEAM would like to thank the response from all our Hi5er Club members and supporters for the great success of Chur Associates’ Hi5er Club pilot program! Over 80% of users who registered their interest in the program went on to become active participants in our program. The program also received a great deal of interest from users from across the region, with people from 15 different countries accessing the Hi5er Club website. These users include people from as far a field as the UAE, Luxembourg and Australia.
The initial topic of the Hi5er Club was chosen to discuss possible solutions to problems arising from resolving conflict between defaulting tenants, with a Malaysian Landlord Association proposed as a possible solution. Based upon the helpful feedback we have received on the site, the Hi5er Club prepared a report suggesting how a Malaysian Landlord Association could function. This will coincide with a media release in ‘The Edge.
With the 3-month Hi5er Club pilot program at its conclusion, the Hi5er Club is already busy preparing for the new topic for the next quarter – “Personal Wealth Protection”. Given these insecure financial times wealth protection is more important than ever to get under your belt. Personal wealth protection is the protection of your assets and it includes will writing, setting up of trust instruments, tax planning and insurance amongst others. We shall address these topics, and many more this quarter so as to give in-depth coverage to a number of pertinent wealth issues.
If you would like to know more about Hi5er Club, one of the most innovative and successful information sharing programs in Malaysia, please feel free to send us any queries or suggestion!