Congratulations CA! We did it for Q3!
Our target for 2018 is 4M4P442 and, good news that all 3 teams in CA hit their quarterly target!
Fast forward now to Dec 2018 now, we are still a considerable distance to our collective yearly target not withstanding that our real estate team has achieved their Q4 target as well as the yearly target. Our corporate team is still on course to hit their quarterly target for their third time this year. Together, we will give our best effort to achieve our yearly target 2018. Together, we are passive!

On 6 November 2018, CA is officially 15th years old now! From last year’s“IIVALLLLAVII” to this year’s “CA Via We”, we hope you will be perfecting your smooth transaction “Via We”, achieving your amicable solution “Via We”, and ensuring your peace of mind “Via We”… CA15 > CAXV > CAVIAWE

CA 2.0
Incelebrating our 15th birthday, CAtizens have put together our newversion of CAlture and design too. We would like to say a big “Thank You” to ourprevious serving CAlture in “Hardly Take No for An Answer”, “Solution Centered”and “Transparent”, and welcome onboard to “Respect”, “Understanding” and“Efficiency” that describe CAtizens better now and moving forward.

Client Appreciation Networking (CAN): Budget 2019
As soon as Malaysia Budget 2019 was announced by our very new Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng on 2 November, CAtizen Chris picked the key points for Real Estate and SME to share his unique insight with CA followers on 8 and 9 November under our signature CAN event. It was simply overwhelming with a record breaking crowd for all our CAN events todate. Thank you.

CAtizens’ Night Out to “Sing K”!
To celebrate our collective achievement our quarterly targets in Q3, CAtizens enjoyed the Karaoke session together to “shout” our stress away.

“Seoul Searching” Trip 2018
As usual, CA celebrates our 15th birthday during oursignature annual trip. And this year CAtizens celebrated at Kimchi Land –Seoul! Happy birthday to CA! Happy birthday to CAtizen Chris!

Moving forward, we hope to continue to serve you even better on the other side of 2018.
2019 is going to be even better for us in the co-creation of CA 2.0!