Who will be the your frequent “visitor” everyday? YES, the delivering personnels from other companies and also the courier service personnels. They are visiting a lot of different places everyday and it’s hard for us to stop them to come in our premises. But there are certainly some prevention steps we can take, in order to protect our CAtizens as well as protecting them in return.

We have set up always set a safe area just outside your premises to accept delivery of documents and services, all the acknowledgment of receipt can be done there as well.

Let your front desk personnel or whoever accepting the parcels or documents clear with the workflow. Make the flow as simple as possible.

This is how CA is doing this:

  1. Put the parcel/document on the designated table

  2. Wait at the marked space

  3. CAtizen received and acknowledge in return

  4. Pass it back to delivery personnel in a safe distance

  5. Unpack the parcel at the same spot

  6. Dispose the packing in a designated dustbin immediately

  7. Disinfect the parcel for safety purpose

  8. Pass it to the person in charge to receive the same

Have a Question?

Use simple messages and even make it in multi languages to make sure that the delivery personnels clear with the instructions. Zero spread is very important now, don’t be troubled with the “extra work” or the “slow process”, just keep in mind that protection should always, come first.

Hand sanitisers are readily available just outside the office, if the delivery personnels still feel uncomfortable with the prevention, allow them to use it as well. Or offer them a face mask if they don’t have one. Be more human and personal, social distancing is certainly not the same as being “coldn” or “inhuman”.

Important Note:

  • No one can have a 100% perfect prevention plan, but we must have the precautions in mind, in everyone’s mind especially your staff members.

  • Keep improving and modifying these steps to make it better.

  • We need to be cautious but not anxious, adopt information from trusted sources only.


This is how CA is doing it dealing with external delivery personnel. Together, we stay stronger and keep fighting for zero spread of COVID-19!

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