Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA)
Legal Fees (MYR) =
Show detail General Expenses
RM 150
Transportation, despatch and postage
RM 100
Transportation(Change of Ownership for IWK & Assessment)
RM 50
Telephone & facsimile
RM 50
Printing & photocopying
RM 50
Miscellaneous charges
RM 400
Total Fees for General Expenses (MYR) =
Subject to GST 0% (MYR) =
RM 40
Stamp Duty - Sales & Purchase Agreement (4 Copies)
RM 40
Stamp Duty - Deed of Mutual Covenant (4 Copies)
RM 500
Total Fees for Disbursements (MYR) =
Legal Fees + General Expenses + GST + Disbursement (MYR) =
RM 435
Disclaimer: Based on the information that you have submitted to us, the result shown above is merely for the purpose of illustration and reference only. The result shall not be treated as final or binding against and/or applicable to, any person in whatsoever manner, subject to all applicable laws of Malaysia and any further information incidental thereto.